Tuesday, 4 September 2012

People Watching-Small Town Ontario

Destination: Prince Edward County

Hot and humid-broke a sweat loading the car.  Showered and changed a third time. Good run until Pearson-crawled for half an eternity-no known cause for delay-is there ever?

Passing on the right still favoured by most drivers.
53 Footers sitting in the left lane; also sitting about a quarter inch away from my bumper.  You in the blue cab, yes, I'm talking to you. (And no, I was not doing 80 when others were doing 120.)
After some weaving, blue cab achieved a cars length distance ahead of me.  Pat on the back for you. 
I like to quietly applaud drivers who manage to get one car length ahead of me or get to a red light before me.  What are you doing?  You can see it's red-where do you think you're going?  I digress.
Once you're passed Oshawa, the tension eases and the scenery returns.

Two hours later, arrived in Trenton. Desperation for yet another shower.
Chose to economize on this run with a chain hotel.  You've got your breakfast made for you and a private bath.  Unlike some B & B's all the amenities are in the room. Sometimes it feels like you're there to support the B & B antique collection and in exchange you have access to a communal kettle.  Last trip east stayed at a B & B on Prince Edward County (PEC).   Breakfast  consisted of a muffin (before the main meal) and Eggs Benedict on  English muffin with a side of toast.  The eggs are already on bread.  What one really needs is a side portion of pig-bacon, sausage, ham !!  I digress.

Tried to check in but someone suffering from "I can't wait my turn syndrome" volleyed a series of questions and requests to the manager.  Do you see that I'm being processed? 

15:00  Head down to Trenton to Hwy 33.  I suspect Trenton is like most towns-you have to be shown where to go.  Otherwise the only things that jump out at you are the tattoo lounges, the nail salons and the tanning rooms.  Interesting road system.  You may find yourself crossing the Trent Waterway several times.

Fine drive down Hwy 33 to Consecon.  Unlike my local buildings, the old church has not been sold off nor has it been torn down but is now serving as the local library.  Good to see reuse, not rubble. PEC is seldom visible thanks to tourist traps and private property.  Nice spot overlooking Wellers Bay. On the left is an old church yard.  I like churchyards.  You have the whole history of the community contained on one stone.  Entire families in one plot -children wiped out by disease at a young age; mothers dying in childbirth.

Nice water spaces in Consecon.  Couple of people doing the "can't be bothered getting out of the car" tour of the county.  Park up, stretch your legs and get some sense of the place.

Take Hwy 1 out of the village. Great views.  Lots of farm country-cows, goats and lambs.


Meandered along Hwy 1 & 2 into Wellington then Bloomfield.  Recommend the Marshmallow Cafe-fresh bread, home pates, local cheeses and fabulous pastry.  Stop for a pot of tea.

On through Cherry Valley & Milford. Took a very civilized luncheon overlooking Prince Edward Bay.  Very civilized dinner more like as it was 18:30 before a suitable spot materialized. Shrimp, olives, quiche and chocolate torte.  Wrestled with a lid but couldn't open the jar of pickled asparagus! Alas.  Soundtrack of lapping water, a bird and a cricket.  Only company was a butterfly.  Delightful.

Finished up the day in Picton for a little reconnaissance.  Most people don't realize that there is free parking off the side streets-you don't have to feed the meter or park miles away.  Plenty of shops and restaurants to keep everyone amused.  Returning two days hence.

Commiserated with a homeowner over the lack of rain.  Their garden was jammed with colour and we swapped some notes.

Interesting drive back to Trenton.  Hwy 4 to 19 this time.  You forget the sun is setting earlier this time of year.  No street lights on the highways and side roads.  Of course yours is the only vehicle on the road at this time of day.   Approaching 22:00 and managed a U-turn or two.  Over the Waterway and a final U-turn at CFB Trenton.  Hadn't realized the size of the place.

A final shower, a couple of G & T's and a little Public Television-Fractals-fascinating subject. Wonder one can take much in after a day of driving, fresh air and walking.
Gearing up for breakfast and the mass-produced, rubber eggs.  Will my expectations be met?

Until next time.