Wednesday, 15 May 2013

Defending Brunch

Do I really need to defend my decision to spend four hours on brunch?  Was it four or eight or eighteen?  Regardless, one should never have to justify taking a leisurely meal.  And I think last Sunday went rather well.
I unearthed last August's BAN BRUNCH (BANBRUNCHBLOG) by Alexander Nazaryan in which he calls for an end to brunch.  Mr. Nazaryan speaks specifically of the Sunday Brunch that takes place outside the home.  Nazaryan feels that we, humankind, could be so much more if we could just stop eating and drinking for nigh on four hours on a Sunday afternoon.  There was a call for a rational mind to reconsider brunch’s place in society.

I firmly believe in brunch (and leisurely breakfasts).  This afternoon delight can take place in your own home, too.  We have observed several versions of brunch.  Xmas, Easter, the Saturday leisurely paced/sausage laced.  The menu is not important.  We have run the gamut from the ubiquitous Eggs Benedict to Kedgeree to the Full Monty.

For your next brunch menu, please see BRUNCH 

Nazaryan’s argument is that our time could be better spent enlightening ourselves and others; better spent exercising the little grey cells, n’est pas?  I would counter that Brunch allows precisely this and that we are better off from having spent a few hours in conversation, observation or quiet contemplation.

Brunch may be the best thing you've eaten all week.  It may be the only time you've allowed yourself to ingest properly all week. Are you a ten-minuter? Do you balance the juice and toast on the bathroom vanity?  The soap and shaving foam adding another layer of taste? Do you swig coffee on the way to work?

Do you read the newspaper or scan? (Do people still read newspapers? I'm the only one in my neighbourhood.) Do you listen to your morning show? Really listen?  Do you stop to look out of the window? Do you linger at the window?  Try brunch.  It goes well with all of the above.  Do you share your thoughts with other beings? Conversation can be challenging when you are running around looking for that matching sock.
Ultimately, I don’t care what others bring to the brunch table, food or conversation wise.  The rush of the work week may mean you’ve exhausted your conversations cards.  David MacFarlane, who has been mentioned in these pages before, suggested doing just one thing at a time and eating may be that one thing.  Do you think you can?   Don't consider what you could/should be doing.  Focus on this one thing. Can you allow yourself a guilt free meal?

What is the gain from Sunday's brunch?   I learned to cook something new. I've expanded my culinary horizons. I supported the local economy. I educated the staff at the local LCBO on where to find product on their store shelves. No, the product line has not been discontinued. If you have yet to introduce yourself to Niagara wines, now is the time.  Apparently the Chinese love Ice Wine.  But, please don't buy the knock off; it contains glycol. Shudder. I learned how birds defend themselves against one another.  I got caught up on family matters, the state of European football, gardening tips.  I listened to The Sunday Edition in its entirety. People watching? Of course.  I felt good because I had managed to cut the grass and the neighbours just don't quite seem able to manage it. The whole experience was a great start to the day.

"So what?" you ask.

Brunch results in a healthy mindset.  A healthy mind results in a healthy body thus a more productive member of society. Psychology 101. The more productive you are, the less guilt about taking time out to eat, the more you can indulge in brunch! 

Lessons that could be applied in the workplace, no?  But, that’s another post.