“I wonder what your disguise is? The jeans or the suit?"
Took a second espresso after dinner and, well, you know how
these things go. Bug eyed into the wee hours. What’s on the shelf?
Heiner Lauterbach(Daniel/Julius), Uwe Ochsenknecht(Stefan) and Ulrike Kriener (Paula) in the 1986 Manner by Doris Dorrie. A movie I never tire of watching. Funny; full of great conversation and situations.
Heiner Lauterbach(Daniel/Julius), Uwe Ochsenknecht(Stefan) and Ulrike Kriener (Paula) in the 1986 Manner by Doris Dorrie. A movie I never tire of watching. Funny; full of great conversation and situations.
The Armbrusts are a comfortable,
middle class family. Anniversary
morning and the discovery of an infidelity; Julius’ wife, Paula, is having an
affair. In an attempt to come to terms
with this, Julius moves out and begins an autopsy of the marriage. More like spying on his wife and her new
boyfriend. Great scene where Julius,
after skulking around the property, rides through town after the boyfriend on his son’s
A chance encounter and Julius (now
under the guise of Daniel) takes up residence with the boyfriend (Stefan)to try and
understand what his wife sees in this guy.
Stefan covets Daniel’s middle class lifestyle. Despite the odds, a friendship forms between
the two and Daniel, seeing the potential in Stefan, goes out of his way to help
him with his career(torturing himself in the process).
Scenes to look for:
~Paula visiting for breakfast-great fun
~Stefan going for a joy ride in Daniel’s car
~watching the football game with bandaged hands
~the haircut (facing middle age)
~discussing the merits of marriage and materialism
~trying on the new suit
~celebrating the new job
~the elevator
Some favourite lines:
Stefan: Everything about her is wrong.
Daniel: Which makes her the right women for you? (talking about Paula)
Stefan: And because I wasn’t here, you go bullshit?” (to Daniel, after Daniel destroys the apartment)
Stefan: It’s pretentious, decadent, disgusting. It’s absolutely fantastic. (on the new car.)
Roommate #2: Do you have children?
Daniel: Can you tell by my ass?
A light hearted comedy that could only be written with men as the leads.
Yes, the German sense of humour is alive and well.
Scenes to look for:
~Paula visiting for breakfast-great fun
~Stefan going for a joy ride in Daniel’s car
~watching the football game with bandaged hands
~the haircut (facing middle age)
~discussing the merits of marriage and materialism
~trying on the new suit
~celebrating the new job
~the elevator
Some favourite lines:
Stefan: Everything about her is wrong.
Daniel: Which makes her the right women for you? (talking about Paula)
Stefan: And because I wasn’t here, you go bullshit?” (to Daniel, after Daniel destroys the apartment)
Stefan: It’s pretentious, decadent, disgusting. It’s absolutely fantastic. (on the new car.)
Roommate #2: Do you have children?
Daniel: Can you tell by my ass?
A light hearted comedy that could only be written with men as the leads.
Yes, the German sense of humour is alive and well.